Ben's New Experiences - Chapter 1 (Ben 10)

Langue:Anglais Date:2023-07-05 visites:45.6K
Parodies: ben 10 , Personnages: ben tennyson , charmcaster , gwen tennyson , Artiste: palcomix ,

Liste des chapitres
Chapter 1 >>Chapitre de lecture en cours<<
Bande dessinée précédente: Early Parole (Ben 10)

Appartenir à

  • Girls Night Out! (The Legend of Korra)
    Girls Night Out! (The Legend of Korra)
    When Ben gets caught by Gwen for spying on her she uses her magic to change him into a girl. But with no way to undo the curse they go to Charmcaster to undo it.

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18 U.S.C.